About Laura
I'm Laura Dewey
I spent most of my 30+ years in leadership highly successful outside, but suffering inside. Over working, over thinking, and overly concerned with what others thought of me left me exhausted, spent…and overly reliant on Chardonnay.
Thankfully, I found another way of being, and in turn, leading.
My own unique education and experience led me to develop a methodology to transform the experience of leadership from survival, stress & struggle to vision, power and peace.
I’ve been bringing this reimagined way of leading to select executives, leaders, individuals and teams for over 10 years, and now I want to bring it to you.

The Real Story...
As long as I can remember, I felt different from others. I had a sense that I didn’t belong out there with the people – that somehow I was okay – but when I got out there with others, I was not okay. This left me feeling shy and self-conscious.
Working hard and achieving results made sense to me. It was a way to prove that I did belong and that I was okay. On the outside, I built an awesome professional life.
On the inside it was a different story. I was drinking too much, albeit functionally, to escape my inadequacy.
My other decades long pattern? My need to be in control. My inner critic was wild with judgment of myself and others – nothing was ever right. My mind was going 24/7…stressed out, chronically worrying, awake nights, chest pains, upset stomach…you name it, I had it.
That drinking strategy finally caught up with me. No longer effective, it turned ugly. Thankfully I found sobriety over 20 years ago.Â
That’s when my transformation truly began. I began to question everything I thought to be true about myself, the world, and how I fit into it. Through intentional work, I found the root cause of my struggles and came to a place where I could love and appreciate myself just as I am, perceived faults and all. And my life began anew.
That growth was multiplied exponentially when I completed a Masters Program in Spiritual Psychology at the University of Santa Monica. The principles and practices showed me a whole new way of being; an inside-out approach.
Instead of being rocked by outer circumstances, I learned skills of self-leadership and began to live life with ease and grace rather than fear, stress and struggle. In addition, I got something even more precious: an clearer, more personal relationship with Spirit and a stack of evidence that magic is real.
I found the bridge between the human and the Divine.

"It sounds cliche, but I would never have gotten this promotion without our work together."
S.B. - HR Chief

"I had no clue that I needed you more than I imagined."
A.B. - Chief Admin Officer

"You helped me identify and transcend things I didn't even realize were holding me back."
V.I. - Venture Capital

About Spiritual Psychology
Spiritual Psychology is comprised of principles and practices that provide an unbelievably effective lens through which to see the world. It is best applied when you are open to the idea that there may be a higher, wiser force at work in the Universe. This methodology does not require a concrete idea of what this higher power might be, nor does it conflict with any specific religious teaching. In fact, it’s usually a wonderful complement to it. Everything presented in my coaching is presented for your consideration. You get to decide what’s right for you and your life. Keep what you like and leave the rest.
The lens of Spiritual Psychology provides a path to:
Remarkable self-awareness
Uncommon self-mastery
Powerful leadership of Self and others
Deeply meaningful life & work
About Magic
I believe in Magic. This surprises me because I used to be weirded out by the unexplained. In fact, I couldn’t even go there. I’d have to shut the thought down entirely. Since my metamorphosis, I embrace the unknown with open arms. I love the mystery. I understand that I live in a magical world and expect magic to show up in my life…and you know what? It does.
In fact, especially in the last few years,
My clients routinely use the word “magic” when reflecting how my coaching has affected them.
Let’s make magic!

"It's unbelievable...like a dream. It's like you let me out of jail and freed me. It's amazing that I thought my old life was normal...just who I was.
It's like you're magic, pure magic."
N.S. - Founder
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